Anywhere But Here represents The Trend-Setter or Fashionista. This is the woman in the office who appears to spend more time shopping and picking out her outfit in the morning than she does attending to business. The boss probably checks her internet history and finds that she's spent more time on Polyvore than any other website. I really don't recommend going this route unless you work in the fashion industry and being super trendy IS your job description.
Everyone Says I Love You could be The Vamp. She dresses too sexy and thinks that the attention she receives is flattering. Unfortunately she is not taken seriously. There's at least one in every company. (And if you can't spot any, it's probably you. Take a second and look down. Are you showing more skin than Heidi Klum during a Victoria's Secret show? If so, you need to tone it down. And cover it up.)
Beautiful Girls is The Kid. This woman dresses too young for her age. The workplace may no longer be "a man's world" but it's certainly not ready for a child to take the reins. Climbing the corporate ladder can't be done in Mary Janes with cat faces embroidered on them. (And I'm not dissing those shoes. Honestly, I've bookmarked them for purchase, but I'll wear them on my personal time.)
to more fasion for your work
25 March, 2014